Post by cricket-Angel Dameron on Aug 13, 2016 17:27:21 GMT
I know on the BBC POV there was a long running Bechdel Test thread (female characters talking about subjects other than male characters). Today I have run across some other tests: 1. Sexy Lamp Test - Can the women be replaced by a sexy lamp and have the plot remain intact? 2. Mako Mori Test - Do the women have a narrative arc that doesn't just support a man's story? 3. Furiosa Test - Has the movie pissed off manbabies on the internet? (This is not my phrasing, but think of the reaction to the Mad Max reboot for its meaning.) 1.- Gawd, this shouldn't be happening these days! 2. Love that they had to come up with a whole new test because of this awesome character! 3. They moan about everything. I read a couple of their blogs for cheap lols. They hate everything about new Star Wars, because there are two female leads and a black guy, they already hate the new Star Trek series, they seem to hate women generally. Come on, people!
Post by bethb63 on Dec 12, 2018 16:57:40 GMT
Post by Miranda on Dec 12, 2018 18:18:06 GMT
That is interesting! And it might work. The only thing Hollywood is really interested in is making money. So if diversity can be shown to do that then Hollywood producers will do more of it and then act like it was all their idea.